
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

New Plugin: Item Spinner


Item Spinner is item based on JQuery UI widget spinner integrated with mousewheel features. its allow you to enter value, choose value with click on arrows or choose your value with mousewhell functionality. You can choose 4 different items type

1. Standard - standard number item
2. Decimal - with decimal numbers
3. Time - Hours spinner
4. Currency

How to Use

Create a Page Item
Choose Type "Item Spinner[Plug-In]"

How to get it 


Every item type has his own options

standard has this options

min value - set your minimal value
max value - set your maximal value
step - value with which you increase or decrease your current item value

Decimal has this options

min value - set your minimal value
max value - set your maximal value
step - value with which you increase or decrease your current item value
decimal places - number of decimal places
Decimal separator - comma or dot

Time has this option

Clock - 12 Hour or 24 Hour

Currency has this opitons

min value - set your minimal value
max value - set your maximal value
step - value with which you increase or decrease your current item value
Currency - you can choose different typs of currency ( US Dolar, EURO, ...)


Here is the link to a working demo:  

demo username/password: demo/demo


  1. I see it only works for APEX 18.1. I would love to use this plugin but we are currently on APEX 5.1 and do not plan to upgrade in the near future.

    1. Hello
      I will update plugin on github in next release that you can use him in 5.1

    2. Hello,

      this week i will publish the plugin for APEX 5.1

      KR Nihad

    3. Hello,

      You can now download plugin for APEX 5.0 and APEX 5.1

  2. How to integrate with dynamic action. I tried with Click event in dynamic action. But when I click in the arrow it don't update calculation until mouse clicked in the Text box. How to solve this issue.

    1. Hello,

      i need to update my plugin. I will post here when i do that. Thank you very much for your feedback.


  3. Hello, is it possible to use this in an interactive grid?

  4. I tried using it on the interactive grid. But I get strange arrows inside circles instead of up and down arrows being inside rectangular boxes as seen in the demo.

    1. Hi,

      Can you post your example on

  5. Hi can you help me please!
