
Monday, September 8, 2014

My first post

Welcome to my blog! I will write about Oracle APEX and some tips and tricks how to develop good Oracle APEX application.

My name is Nihad Haskovic! I am 29 yeras old and I live in Stuttgart, Germany. Actually I came from Visoko small city near Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am a software consultant at DB Systel GmbH. 

First experience with Oracle APEX I had back in 2007. Since then i developed a lot application in Oracle APEX. I have also experience in Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, SQL and PL/SQL.


  1. Hi,
    Im from Bangladesh,

    My Database Version ( and Apex version 5.1.4.

    When i install Image Gallery Plugin then bellow message shown

    1 error has occurred
    NOT COMPATIBLE (Your export may contain calls not supported by your application version.)

  2. hi

    i sent you plugin file for APEX 5.1.4

    check your email


